How to listen to Above Average

New to podcasts? Don’t know how to get Above Average on your phone? No worries – we’ll walk you through it below.

What is a podcast?

Podcasts are episodes of a program available online. You can listen to podcasts whenever you’d like by downloading or streaming the show. In the case of Above Average, we’re a weekly audio series, discussing issues that affect big families.

How do I listen to the show?

  • Listen on your Apple iPhone or iPod: Click here to see Above Average in iTunes’ Kids & Family category. Once there, simply click the “Subscribe” button, and then listen in the Podcasts app. Alternatively, you can use an app like Stitcher, Overcast, or Instacast.
  • Listen on your Android phone: Get an iPhone. Just kidding. You can use the free Stitcher app or the not-so-free PocketCasts app. Our podcast is available in their directories, but if not, here’s our direct RSS feed for the podcast. (Heads up – this will look like web jargon if you click on it in your browser).
  • Listen on your computer: This one’s arguably the easiest. Just bookmark and visit it weekly, and you’ll see a player in the page for each episode. To listen, just click the play button on the player. The downside with this is that you’re not “subscribing” to the show and won’t get new episodes automagically. (Yes, I just used “automagically.”)

What’s next?

  • Don’t forget to check back weekly for new episodes! We release shows on Wednesday.
  • If you didn’t click on one of the links above, click here to see your options for subscribing to the show.

This is all Greek to me. Help!

Gotcha. Click here and give us a shout. We’re big fancy podcast hosts and all, but we’d love to personally help you out.