30: Raising Thankful Kids – Attitudes & Gratitudes

30: Raising Thankful Kids – Attitudes & Gratitudes

(Yeah, we know “gratitudes” is not proper, but we like it enough to stick with it.)

We’ve broken down this topic into two parts: talking and doing. When you’ve got a bunch of kids, both are important.  Even though Thanksgiving is right around the corner as of the date we’re posting this episode, these ideas are evergreen!

Operation Christmas Child by Samaritan’s Purse is one practical way to get your whole family helping the needy.

Discussed in this episode…

In the first part, we talk about the attitude and mindset of being thankful. If you want to raise thankful kids, they need to first know how good they’ve got it. And it’s our role as parents to communicate – in relative terms – what exactly to be thankful for and how to show that gratitude.

Next, we acknowledge that talk can be cheap. Talk is worthless without actually doing something to help those who we can. This is the best way to show our gratitude: by sharing our talents, blessings, and riches with others.



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